Rays - Young Black Women's Group news article

Rays - Young Black Women's Group

Describe the group in one sentence!

An environment for participants to feel free to share their thoughts and experiences with others who may relate to them.

Who is the group for?   

ALL young Black or Black heritage Women (inclusive of trans black women and non-binary young people), 18 -25 years

When does it take place?

Mondays each week, 17:30pm-19.00pm, in person at 42nd Street.

How many people are in the group?

Up to 16

What happens in the group?

Take part in activities that support your connection, voice, skills and confidence as well as peer support, shared opportunities and networks and friendship.

Be part of a sisterhood and having a circle of like-minded women around you that support you and have an opportunity to explore passions, hobbies and interests.

What do the staff, Tibyan and Carlene, say about the group?

Joy and representation are at the forefront of the group. We provide an open, inclusive peer support group facilitated by mental health practitioners who are experts by experience / Black Heritage practitioners at 42nd street. The sessions include creative activities, discussions, culture events, social action projects and tools to advocate for mental health. This is a young person led group with an opportunity to have your voice heard and most importantly to have fun.

What do group members say about the group?

‘Rays offers multiple opportunities to learn new things, meet new people and a way to learn about yourself culture and background’.

‘Because it’s a group only for young black women so it gives everyone a sense of belonging and inclusion and we can all share some experiences without judgment’.

‘It’s all young black women with similar issues that I can relate to’.

How can you join?

Use the 'Sign-Up' button on this page and complete the form there. You'll then be invited for a call with our group facilitators to say hello, followed by a Meet & Greet (usually in person) with other young people in the group. If you decide you'd like to be involved, they'll be a group agreement to take a look at at agree to.

What opportunities have there been beyond the group?

As well as links to other groups within 42nd and externally, we have launched an exhibition with work created by RAYS shown at the Horsfall. Rays have also produced an anti-racism video that is now part of an anti-racism training programme.


18-24 This group is designed to help young people who have long standing difficulties with their feelings and relationships.

A group that advocates for youth voice, are passionate about making positive change, tackling issues and barriers that young people may face within their local communities, nationally or politically.

Jet 42 is a weekly peer support group for Black and mixed-Black-heritage young men aged 16-25 to explore and improve their mental health and emotional wellbeing.

Join the Creative Collective, a supportive group for 18-25 year olds to explore art and creativity in all its forms.

02 July 2021

We believe arts and creativity offer loads of benefits and can help support wellbeing as a way to reflect, express yourself and share your unique talent.

A range of training workshops are available for a variety of needs

A creative drop in session to meet the team, try out different art materials and techniques and get to know more about The Horsfall and what’s on.

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