• Be proud of yourself

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Our opening and referral processing times will be different over the winter holidays.
Please visit here to find out when our building is open, when we will be processing new referrals or if a young person needs urgent support.

Changes to referral routes


If you are referring a young person from a privately contracted or MHST (mental health support team) funded school or into our Pathfinder project, please use the button below.

Please note, that from November 13th 2023, we are no longer accepting referrals from any professionals except for social care professionals.

We anticipate that these arrangements will be in place for up to 6 months to allow the service to stabilise and to prioritise meeting the needs of the 1000+ young people currently waiting for support. 

Young people will continue to be able to refer themselves to all our core one-to-one services and young people already referred to our services from other routes before November 13th 2023 will continue to receive support.

You can read more about this using the button below.



Other Work

While supporting young people is our key priority, we also work with professionals across Greater Manchester and nationally from delivering training to organisations, to working on research together.

Have a look at what we have to offer and what we’ve worked on in the past, and do get in touch if you have any questions.


Reach us over e-mail...

General Inquiries: theteam@42ndstreet.org.uk

School Inquiries: schoolsleads@42ndstreet.org.uk

Training Inquiries: training@42ndstreet.org.uk

Or our 0161 228 7321 phone line is open

  • Mondays: 12 p.m. until 2 p.m.
  • Thursdays: 3 p.m. until 5 p.m.

