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Annual Reports

Here is a short excerpt from the Chair’s 2023/24 annual report, Liz Allen. Our most recent annual reports can be download below.

The Board of Trustees are proud of the incredible team -their resilience, compassion, creativity and drive make 42nd Street’s impact possible. They consistently meet the challenges we face, responding to ever-changing demands with professionalism and care, inspiring us with their unwavering dedication to the young people that reach out for support. The additional pressures that the team have had to work through this year has made this an exhausting and emotional year for many of us, but the way in which colleagues have supported each other and friends and colleagues outside of the organisation has been both remarkable and moving.

On behalf of the Board of Trustees, I would like to thank everyone who has contributed to our work this year: the staff, interns, supporters, partners funders and of course the young people themselves . Together, you have made it possible for us to continue providing vital services with young people during times of uncertainty and distress.
Looking ahead, we remain committed to adapting to the evolving needs of our community, finding innovative ways to deliver support, and strengthening our impact. It is through this shared commitment and collaboration that we can continue to build a brighter and more hopeful future for the young people who inspire us every day.

Please download Annual Report 2023/2024 here >>

Please download Annual Report 2020/2021 here >>

Please download Annual Report 2019-2020 here >>

Please download Annual Report 2016-2017 here >>

Please download Annual Report 2015-2016 here >>

Please download Annual Report 2014-2015 here >>


