Creative Drop-in Space news article

Creative Drop-in Space

The Creative drop-in is a space to explore creativity and connect. It’s a really relaxed, fun session and a chance to get to know the staff and other young people. Young people can bring their own things to work on, and we also have different materials and prompts out each week to try.

If you would like to come along to this friendly supportive session and explore your creativity, meet new people and find out what you can get involved with other creative projects, please sign up by emailing or using the SIGN-UP button.

Age range and any other eligibility requirements: 13-25 and no other requirements!

Day, time and venue for the group: Tuesdays 4.30-6.30 ground floor of our Horsfall building on Great Ancoats Street

Name of workers who facilitate the group: Georgina Fox, Katie Cosgrave


A space for young people aged 13-25 to get together and explore different ways of expressing themselves, through movement.

18-24 This group is designed to help young people who have long standing difficulties with their feelings and relationships.

A group that advocates for youth voice, are passionate about making positive change, tackling issues and barriers that young people may face within their local communities, nationally or politically.

Jet 42 is a weekly peer support group for Black and mixed-Black-heritage young men aged 16-25 to explore and improve their mental health and emotional wellbeing.

Join the Creative Collective, a supportive group for 18-25 year olds to explore art and creativity in all its forms.

02 July 2021

We believe arts and creativity offer loads of benefits and can help support wellbeing as a way to reflect, express yourself and share your unique talent.

A range of training workshops are available for a variety of needs

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