• Maybe it’s not the destination that matters as much as the journey

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Change Ambassadors

The 42nd Street Change Ambassadors are a group of young people who advocate for youth voice and are passionate about making positive change, tackling issues and barriers that young people may face within their local communities, nationally or politically.

The Change Ambassadors influence local, regional and national policy and practice, through campaigning and participating in social action whilst capturing young people’s voice and inspiring people to understand the experiences of young people.

They also have a huge influence on the development of services at 42nd Street e.g. evaluating service delivery, meeting with leaders and board members, shaping and attending Annual General Meetings.
The 42nd Street Change Ambassadors meet regularly with key staff from 42nd to design, deliver and evaluate a programme that includes:

  • Reaching out, listening to and capturing the views and experiences of other young people in terms of their mental health and well-being .
  • Building a movement of young people that can influence local, regional and national policy and practice.
  • Speaking at events e.g. conferences, scrutiny committees, party conferences.
  • Using public facing media e.g.TV, radio, press, film, social media to share messages, raise awareness and influence thinking.
  • Influencing and shaping local, regional and national service development e.g. by attending meetings, meeting officials, lobbying politicians and decision-makers.
  • Influencing the development of services at 42nd Street e.g. evaluating service delivery, meeting with leaders and board members, shaping and attending Annual General Meetings.
  • Running campaigns e.g. attitude and behaviour change campaigns, awareness raising campaigns
  • Fundraising e.g. Sponsored events, community fundraising, contributing to fundraising bids, meeting donors

Who can become a 42nd Street Ambassador?

  • Any young person aged 13-25 who:
  • Is passionate about the rights of young people and young adults and making positive changes within society. Anyone interested in advocating for mental health.
  • Able to commit to working as a part of a team
  • Respects diversity and promotes equality 

If you are interested in becoming a Change Ambassador please email theteam@42ndstreet.org.uk for more information on joining or complete our registration form

Hi I’m Georgia or Ge.

I joined ambassadors in April 2020.I’d been at 42nd street for a few years in some of the support groups, but I decided I wanted to help other people and my community. A friend told me about Change Ambassadors and invited me to join. I am currently studying accountancy and in my spare time I enjoy growing flowers, fruit and vegetables, reading about different mythologies and dyeing my hair.my aim for ambassadors is to help people on their way to better mental health.

My name is Alice Chambers

I have been attending Change Ambassadors for around 4 years. The first time I went to CA, my friend couldn't get me through the door. The next time she tried, I managed to go inside and meet everyone. The ambassadors were so welcoming and friendly, I instantly felt part of the team, I have been attending CA ever since. Attending the group has helped me to build my confidence, and keeps me grounded when things get tough. I enjoy helping other young people like me to feel cared for and empowered when being treated for mental health issues. Its great to help my community and push for changes in the mental health system, to make sure young people get the treatment they deserve. 

I'm Daniel

I'm a writer with delusions of literature and a student with delusions of free time. I've been a Change Ambassador for nearly five years now. Why do I keep coming back, I hear you cry? It's simple. 42nd Street is a community who all feel as passionately as I do about making the lives of young people better and the Change Ambassadors give me opportunities to help make a difference without stuffy boardrooms and besuited executives that talk jargon and quotas without focusing on what really matters - people. They also make damn fine coffee. :)

Hi, I'm Stone/Fire.

I'm a trans woman, grey-asexual, and unapologetic about both of those identities. I'm also autistic, which means my brain works differently than yours - not worse.
I'm a volunteer at 42nd Street, (plus a group member), and The Proud Trust, and GMCDP. I've been with Girl Guides for 2.5 years. I'm seeking more roles elsewhere too. I have volunteered in the past for The Mix, and a forest school. I want to write fiction and non-fiction books, and poetry. I aim to travel much of the world. 
I love finding very old, and/or foreign coins, a favourite song is Azonto by Fuse, feat ODG.

Hi my name is Ryan

I volunteer at 42nd streets peer ambassadors and have done for around a year and a half now. I’m very much into gaming and comic books, basically anything nerdy tend to be into it. Big fan of dogs and most animals apart from cats, hate cats they always gave me a creepy world domination vibe.


