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Trans Visibility


International Transgender Day of Visibility is each year at the end of March. It's a day to celebrate trans and non-binary people, and promote trans rights and raise awareness about the discrimination they continue to face.

It’s all about working to actively fight the erasure and silencing that trans and non-binary people often face in a cisnormative society so that trans and non-binary feel seen, and so that cis people see the problems in society that need changing.

But there's loads that anyone can do all year round to promote trans-visibility - there's no need to wait for that one day! Visibility is always important, but to get there we’re going to need to get creative.

We made these five ideas whilst the UK was still in lockdown, but they're great things to do whether you're out or about or stuck at home!


Using an online platform like Google Docs or Google Drawings, collaborate with supportive friends and family to create a promotional poster. This could be a collage of images found online, educational material, an information flyer, etc. But just because you’re not in the same room with someone, doesn’t mean you can’t work with them to co-create some promotional material. Once you’ve got something completed, share it everywhere you can!


Whether you write something in collaboration with others, download pre-made material off the internet, or write your own piece, an important thing you can do is educate the people in your life about trans identities, experiences and rights. Maybe you could write an educational email and send it to your friends, maybe you could create a powerpoint presentation and show it to your family, or maybe you could take advantage of your one daily walk and hang a few flyers around your neighbourhood to educate your neighbours.


Get your voice heard! Often, when we think of activism, we think of protesters marching in the streets. But activism can take many forms. Write a letter to your local newspaper, call your local government, or even write a post for our Q42 website (info here!) But use this time at home to do your part to advocate for positive social change, however and wherever you can.


Join a social media campaign! Using whatever platform you prefer, whether it’s twitter, Instagram, or something else, watch out for trending hashtags and posts by trans and non-binary people. Share some of the best things you find on your own social media, and even write your own posts too! This is a great way to stay engaged in the community, and also be a part of the conversation!


Fill your day with trans and non-binary people. Watch YouTube videos by trans and non-binary people, or movies and TV shows with trans characters. There will also be an official TDOV livestream! More details here.

Hopefully these five opportunities will help promote visibility in some small way!

Erasure and invisibility are horrible experiences, and no one should have to go through that alone. If you’re struggling, be sure to reach out for help.


