• Happiness comes more from what we can give, than what we get

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Waiting Times

Updated July 2024

How long do I have to wait?

Unfortunately, wait times are often tricky to provide accurately as we aren’t always able to predict demand or future capacity. We can tell you how long young people have currently waited to access our services to give some indication:

Face-to-face support: current wait for assessment is around 4 weeks and for support to start around 47-88 weeks. The longest wait is currently for young people in the Salford area.

For CBT support: current wait for assessment is around 4 weeks and for support to start around 87 weeks. The longest wait is currently for young people in the Manchester area.

For online support: current wait for assessment is around 2 weeks, for support to start around 6 weeks

For groups: most groups do not have a wait time, but you can check the individual group pages for more info

We are doing everything we can to keep wait times to a minimum and provide opportunities to access support whilst waiting for our one-to-one services. To understand more about what we are doing, and the wait behind specific services, please continue reading.

Whilst waiting...

You can read really helpful tips and advice written by young people, find services to contact if you feel in crisis and use our chatbot at the bottom right of our site for help with any questions.

You can also attend an online drop in session; this is a chance to have a text webchat with one of our workers, any Wednesday afternoon between 5:30pm and 7:30pm if you would like to. Find out more here and register from 3:30pm on Wednesdays here.

If you feel you need to speak with someone about your referral you can also email duty@42ndstreet.org.uk and someone will be in touch as soon as possible.

Welcoming you to 42nd Street

The way our service works is that you can self-refer or be referred by a friend, family member or professional using our online referral from.  

Please complete all sections - if the referral is incomplete this will cause further delays and may result in us being unable to provide a service.

**Please do not use old paper referral forms. We have stopped using these and cannot guarantee a service if you do not use our online referral form.**

The first people to read your referral will be the Welcome Team.

Please note that this might take a couple of weeks at the moment and therefore if you need more urgent support or you are referring someone who needs more urgent support, 42nd Street might not the best place to be seeking support from at this time. Please talk to your GP about other options.

If you do go ahead with the referral, once the team have looked at the information provided, they will let you know that you have been accepted into the service via a text message.

As this might take a couple of weeks, if you feel you need to talk to someone whilst waiting for this welcome text please email (duty@42ndstreet.org.uk) and someone will be in touch as soon as possible.

Working out what you need, with you

Once we have welcomed you into the service at 42nd Street the next stage is for you to talk (usually on the phone) with one of our Mental Health Practitioners so that we can find the right support that meets your specific needs, this is called our Service Assessment. You can find out more about what happens at a service assessment here

Again, if you feel you need to talk to someone whilst waiting for your Service Assessment please email duty@42ndstreet.org.uk and someone will be in touch as soon as possible.

After your assessment

Depending on where you live and the outcome of your assessment you will agree with your Mental Health Practitioners which service might be best for you.

At the assessment your Mental Health Practitioner will share their mobile number with you; should you need to talk to anyone whilst waiting for your first appointment, call this number to talk to the person that assessed you and they will support you with things.

Online support

We also offer online only support. You can find out about and register for text based online support here.

Once you have registered you will receive a welcome message within 72 hours

Again, if you feel you need to talk to someone whilst waiting for online support email duty@42ndstreet.org.uk and someone will be in touch as soon as possible and/or you can also read really helpful tips and advice written by young people, find services to contact if you feel in crisis and use our chatbot at the bottom right of our site for help with any questions.

42nd Street fully appreciates that lengthy waits for a service are not acceptable and we are continuing to work with our partners to do everything that we can to reduce these times. We apologise sincerely for any inconvenience and stress this may cause.   


