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Annual Report

Here is a short excerpt from the Chair’s 2020/21 annual report, Liz Allen. Our most recent annual reports can be download below.

I recall in my last Chair’s report, that we were facing, with some trepidation, an ongoing growth in
the number of COVID cases in the UK and the likelihood that what we first thought was a temporary
change to our ways of working, was looking more and more likely to become a long term shift.

As I write this, we are 616 days into the global pandemic and all of our lives have changed significantly.
We have heard of families who have lost their loved ones to this virus, stories of recovery against the
odds, and stories of healthcare staff who have battled every day to care for their patients and face
into the overwhelming demand for services.

At 42nd Street we can share the same stories. People we care deeply about have lost people they
love; people have come through illness and recovered; and we too have seen an incredible increase
in demand for our services. COVID has hit every person in the world. But young people, who were
already feeling isolated or struggling with their thoughts and feelings, have really taken a hit as
lockdowns have kept us away from one another.

Lockdown lifts have given us a sense of hope and reunion, only to be locked down again. Young people have missed their education, their social activities and most of all, their friends. As a result, we have seen more and more young people feeling anxious and uncertain about the world and their futures; something we can all understand. At 42nd Street the Board of Trustees has been so proud to see how the team has responded to this need.

The team has doubled their efforts and their determination to keep services running and to ensure that young people knew that we were here for them. We will continue to do this as we move into the coming year and we will look to develop additional ways to engage young people and create welcoming and inclusive services at The Space or out in schools and the community; places where young people can feel safe and supported.


Please download Annual Report 2020/2021 here >>

Please download Annual Report 2019-2020 here >>

Please download Annual Report 2016-2017 here >>

Please download Annual Report 2015-2016 here >>

Please download Annual Report 2014-2015 here >>


